Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday of the 1st Week of Lent

“Be holy, for holy” - but you are God and we are only sinful man. “You shall not shall not bear hatred for your shall love your neighbor...I am the Lord.” But we are only sinful man. There is a distance we cannot cross, there is only so far we can go in answering the commands of the Lord. The Psalmist today prays a litany of simple trust in the goodness of God – other days, he speaks of how very far from that goodness he is.

In Christ, the distance is crossed; not by us but by Him, by Emmanuel, 'God-with-us'. “Thus says the Lord” becomes “Amen, I say to you”. “I am the Lord” becomes “You did it to Me.” The Lord God of Hosts has become the least among us.

We do it to Him; similarly, as we saw yesterday, we do it with Him. We do it in Him; we do it for Him. We do it because He did it with and to and for us. We fast and prepare ourselves because He did. We reject the promises of the devil, we confess that the kingdom and the power and the glory are the Father's, because He did. We love Him because He first loved us.

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