Saturday, January 10, 2009


There's a lot of anger, a lot of bitterness, and quite frankly a lot of cruelty in Nina's comments on this thread over at Raving Theist. She starts angry, and proud of it, and goes from there. But there's an uncomfortable amount of truth, too, in what she has to say about the blogosphere. (Yes, Nina, I'll even grant that you hit rather close to home with me - it's an annoying part of Catholicism, having to own up to ourselves... ;) ) The entire discussion is worth the read, for that matter; it goes a-ranging. And then on his main page, there are the puns. Always, there are the puns, stuck everywhere a pun can be stuck...


Anonymous said...

Puns should be stuck only in a puncushion. However, I feel free to needle you in this thread. If you do knit like it, sew me.

Peggy Hagen said...

Darn it, RT, eye just spit hot coffee - I'll sew you in court! Weave got to drop this for now, work is looming, though I shuttle to think how you'll embroider on this. You're a good egg, but you're warped...

Peggy Hagen said...

Your sense of humor is, I mean! If that's any better! :D

Anonymous said...

Touche? Crochet is more like it. You're as loopy as me, and you've left me in stitches. I yarn for more, so much that I might dye. I hope you haven't gone away on a fabric-ation.

Peggy Hagen said...

If this is what it means to accept the ravelation of Christ, I may have to become muslin to escape! Still, flax are flax, so I gauze wool see - but I do have to bolt. Early day tomorrow...and I haven't cotton to a singlet pun more.

Peggy Hagen said...


1.) Since you do claim to be a Christian still, I really recommend that you don't use your Lord and Savior's name as the coarsest type of curse.

2.) I was linking to a particular comments-discussion at a blog I happen to enjoy reading, of which you were part. As such, your comments are public record for anyone to reference, as are mine. I acknowledged that you had valid points to make, insofar as you were involved, even if I did not appreciate their delivery. I think that's fair, and rather restrained considering. And wasn't that part of what you were saying Catholics never do?

3.) Are you really this angry at RT for daring to comment at a blog that doesn't meet with your approval?

4.) I believe you that there is some pain, caused by we Catholics, at back of your hatred. Even so: you claim to love God. You claim to know that He loves you. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, SHOW IT. Just once. PLEASE. For yourself, NOBODY else. All you have showed is deranged hate - all. That doesn't deserve hate in return, but it does merit pity. And yes, prayer.

Peggy Hagen said...

RT - I think our punderstorm spawned a tornado. ;)