Monday, April 28, 2008

From Gethsemane to Emmaus.

After putting up my "Gethsemane" entry below, I came across this post over at Digital Hairshirt. It's an interesting corollary...there must be something in the java around the Catholic blogosphere.


paddy the papist said...

Dear Margaret Catherine,

Thank you for the comment on my "blog" (I hate that word)

I suspect I am old enough to be your father. Age is an advantage when you are old.

My "memory" goes right back to that war in heaven. Remember that?

That is the great advantage of being born into the Roman Catholic Church. Our holy fathers, the popes learned everything they know from Jesus Christ.

I appreciate your concern. Believe me, many Roman Catholics went to their graves rather than be subject to Protestant whims - such as the New Order "Mass".

I attended that "mass" resentfully for 40 years.

It takes faith to know a wafer from the Real Presence of Jesus Christ.

I can prove it too.

Peggy Hagen said...

Paddy - Youth has its moments too. :)

It takes faith to know a wafer from the Real Presence of Jesus Christ.

I can prove it too.

It's not me you are going to need to prove it to. It is to that same Real Presence, when you are face to face with it and there are no excuses allowed. "Lord, when did I see you..." Again, may He have mercy on you for your blasphemy against Him. (And likewise on me, no less a sinner.) I'm not going to mince words with you - you know the consequences as well or better than I do. (One of those advantages of age.) You need to repent of your pride. I can't talk you into doing that. It's a matter of grace; a matter between you and God. But you need to do it. Or you are not going to "enjoy" where you end up.

I'm slowly realizing how much of a wrench Vatican II must have been to those who knew only, and loved, the Tridentine Mass. By God's grace, I'm of a generation that neither suffered that upheaval nor had to deal with the immediate fallout - Catholics of my age, the "John Paul II" generation, have something of a buffer, and some distance, from those. It's been forty years...from an American perspective especially, perhaps, that's a long time.

My father grew up and was married before Vatican II, but if he's ever had misgivings about the Council I've never heard them. I know he misses the Mass of his earlier years, I've seen flashes of that; but for myself I grew up with the English Mass and I've found much to love in it. Yes, there are times I wince at irreverence on the part of either priest or laity or both. But I know that properly said, it is a Mass no less reverent or beautiful than the Tridentine - when that is properly said (I'm skeptical that things were any better, that way, before Vatican II). So I look for that. I don't back away from the Mass. You have...and where that backing-away has led you is frightening to see.